Body Code Frequently Asked Questions


This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Information given to you on this site or in any session obtained on this site is not intended to create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.  Your personal information will never be shared with anyone. We make no claims as to healing or recovery from any illness. This information is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. No guarantee is made towards validity.

Insightful Assistance

Let your body heal itself!

Why do you only offer sessions by proxy?
I prefer to use proxy testing because it allows us to do the work without the limitations of time or distance.  I have found this to be the most efficient process and therefore, feel I can offer this service at less than the going rate.  I can do work for anyone anywhere this way and it’s how I do my best work.  I also do not have a business office to offer in-person sessions.  I’m happy to talk to you on the phone or by email after the session, if there are unanswered questions.

Can you explain the process?

Your subconscious mind is the ultra intelligent computer system of your body.  It knows exactly what you need in order to achieve balance in the six key areas of health.  We use specific questioning, charts and muscle testing (applied kinesiology) to get precise answers from your subconscious about imbalances in your body that need to be addressed.  We use magnets to release the energy or imbalance by running them down the governing meridian of the body (by proxy).

What is the difference between The Body Code and The Emotion Code sessions?

The Body Code takes a considerable more amount of time and energy to perform.  It takes into consideration all areas of imbalance in the body and the underlying causes for each, whereas The Emotion Code deals with one chart.  The Body Code is a great option for chronic conditions, including pain and physical problems. An Emotion Code session would be a good idea to rid your body of trapped emotions that might be blocking you from being the best version of yourself. 

What do you need from me in order to conduct a session?
Simply select the session in the pay now box, record Paypal confirmation number and fill out the Appointment Form.  At the bottom of the form, provide a brief description of each of your issues (3-5 for best results).  Next to each issue give an intensity number, meaning how strongly it is affecting you.  Submit form and I will arrange a time and report back to you with the results in an email. 

How many sessions do you recommend?
I don’t make that recommendation, however we ask your body, at the end of each one, how long it needs to process and if more work is needed.  So depending on the answers to those questions, we can proceed from there.  Most people find some relief in each session.  It could take a number of sessions to make significant changes.

How can I expect to feel after a session?
Depending on the imbalances that were found and released, you could feel any degree of emotions and/or energy.  This is what we call the Processing Period and it is explained in more detail on that page. 

Does the The Body Code work on non-believers?
It is important to have an open mind, even if you are not sure about the process or results.  If you are willing to have an open mind and let your body decide, you might be pleasantly surprised at what it is willing to do for you.  If you are determined that energy work is not effective, then this is probably not for you. 

Note:  You can save $50 on a 5-session package!

For any additional questions, please go to the Contact page and submit an inquiry.